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 Malfeasance - Illegal Aliens Are Really Voters

Recently, the greatest president in our lifetime, Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag. Can you believe that Biden accidentally referred to "illegal aliens" as voters during an interview on a Spanish radio show.  Yikes.  (The New York Post called this a "freudian slip".)  Biden also went on to say the following, “One of the reasons [why] we’re growing so much is we have a significant influx of immigrants coming into our country, [which is] the only reason our economy’s so good."  So, immigrants are the only reason that we have a good economy?  Who says we have a good economy? That's just plain stupid, but I've come to expect nothing but stupid comments from Biden and his administration.

For the record, the previous president, Donald Trump, who says mean things and hurts the feeling of overly sensitive people, had a better immigration policy and tried to get the Census takers to only count actual citizens of our country.  That is a logical plan, but no one cares because Trump is evil and he's a traitor.  So, over the last 3 years, we've essentially had an open border and this didn't just happen, it had to be part of a sinister plan.  It's possible, especially when the architect of the nonsense refers to "illegal aliens" as voters.

Immigration isn't just about who's coming to dinner; it's about who's setting the table and who's paying for the feast. While Lady Liberty may welcome tired, poor, and huddled masses, Uncle Sam's wallet isn't a bottomless pit of goodwill. Conservatives have long argued that immigration's impact on the Census isn't just a headcount—it's a high-stakes game of political poker where the deck seems stacked against those footing the bill.

Let's face it, folks, when the Census rolls around, it's like a national game of "Guess Who?" But with immigration, it's more like "Guess How Many?" And every time the number goes up, so does the bill. More immigrants mean more demands on public services, from schools to hospitals, and guess who's picking up the tab? That's right, hard-working taxpayers like me and you.  

But wait, there's more! Immigration isn't just a drain on the wallet; it's also a game-changer at the ballot box. You see, folks, every head counted in the Census translates into political power. More bodies mean more congressional seats, more electoral votes, and more influence in Washington. And who's benefiting the most from this political shell game? Well, let's just say it's not the folks who've been here the longest.

Here's the bottom line: immigration isn't just about who gets to call America home; it's about who gets a slice of the American pie. And if conservatives don't start speaking up, pretty soon, we'll all be left with nothing but crumbs.  If you have a dissenting opinion, then you drank way too much tequila on Cinco de Mayo.  Adios!

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